Metallica cover photo

After Haunt is a publication of Eclipse Boutique, western New York’s largest goth shop. Our ambition is to become a hub of the goth community centered around fashion, music, and events. After Haunt is operated by ownership and employees of Eclipse Btq along with prominent concert-goers in the region.


While After Haunt refers to reports on events after they happen, the origin of the name refers to Eclipse’s annual anniversary celebration, the After Haunt Ball, which happens the first Saturday of November (after Halloween). We decided to elaborate on the purpose for After Haunt to help people decide if they should attend certain events. There are a lot of events, even beyond concerts, that happen each year. However, the alternative community is plagued with social disorders, anxiety, and any number of reasons to stay in. We do our best to report on what the experience is like as closely as possible.

Our People

The publication was founded by the owner Steve, who goes by MysteryClips. While he does write some content, he mainly works social media, edits articles, and refers to himself in the third person when writing pages.

Emmaly is a regular customer from beyond Buffalo. She is an avid concert goer, and loves shouting from the front. Her enthusiasm for writing for us is matched only by her desire to go to more concerts.

Other articles may come along from other authors. Mainly, they are current or former employees, but they may just be someone who has a unique perspective. There are a lot of events, and we can’t make it to them all. So if someone we trust is going to something we aren’t, we want those perspectives for our readers.

Our Goal

As we attend more concerts, we hope to have some overlap. We want to cover the same artists at different venues, different artists at the same venue, and overall build out many perspectives for people. Think of it as reading reviews on a product, people want to see more than one review usually. As time goes on, we hope to build a closer insight with the artists and be able to interview them directly. Ultimately, we want to build a comprehensive guide for the goth community of western New York to figure out what to do tonight.

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