Metallica cover photo
Jinjer at Niagara Falls – The Rapids Theater

So I would like to start this article off by just introducing myself. I am Emmaly, but I prefer to go by Em. I just wanted to give a small background of myself. I started going to concerts when I was like ten or eleven. I would like to say, I actually saw Taylor Swift as my first Concert ever. From there, my experiences with concerts started changing into heavy metal, and listening to music where screaming is all you can hear. That’s also when I started going to Warped Tour until they cancelled it. That’s where I first crowd surfed, and I got into a few mosh pits. That’s when my music and concert experiences really started to pick up. Since then, I’ve been on a journey to see so many as many concerts as I can (which are on my long list of artists I need to see.)

Getting Started

So finally to actually start this article. On my experience of seeing JINJER live, I’d like to say, I found this band from a friend who lives in Pennsylvania. Sadly, him and I don’t speak as much as we used to, but when he first showed me this band, I was completely blown away at how good the lead singer’s vocal range is. She can go from singing normally, then to doing the screaming parts all on her own.

I have always wanted to see this band live and I am forever grateful that they came to Niagara Falls back in August of 2023. On concert days, my usual go to is make sure I get ready, get makeup, my bag ,and everything else all ready to go. So when it is a little closer to the time, I just need to leave. I can just grab everything, run out the door, and I’m on my way to the concert. During this time, I go to eat and drink some water so I’m full and hydrated. Because during events it really sucks to have to leave your spot. Especially if you try to go barricade like I do all the time. Usually, I go to events with older friends who hang out in the back, and I go to the front as close as possible. I’m small, so I squeeze my way to barricade, and I’d much rather be close to the stage and engaging with the crowd. The other thing is, the older people who I do go with tend to not want to get up close. So I don’t like risking losing my spot. So, for bathroom breaks and everything, try to do them before a show starts. It helps in the long run, and then do merch at the end of the show. It helps not having to hold it all night long.

PSA: Wear deodorant! it is key especially when packed into small venues or just in general with concerts and having your arms up especially if you go barricade.

– Emmaly –

Anywho, sorry for getting off topic for just a second there. Anyways, the night of this concert was just amazing. First off, not only was it at my favorite venue, but it was also during the summer which made the night even better. Summer concerts are just where it’s at to be honest. I absolutely love The Rapids Theater in Niagara Falls. It is such a beautiful venue, and its crazy its not too far from where I live outside of Buffalo. The art and design of that venue just always blew me away. It is marvelous, and it always will be.

Until I Wake

The Openers for JINJER were all really good to get everyone pumped up for the main event which is JINJER one of the openers was actually UNTIL I WAKE from Buffalo NY actually which is freaking awesome I actually know quite a few of those members now the vocalist that used to be a part of this band is no longer there in the band but the new vocalist is really good from I have heard but if you need some new bands to check out check these guys out they are amazing.


Anyways, JINJER is a Ukrainian metalcore band from Donetsk. If you’ve heard of this band, that’s awesome. I’m glad you do, because this band is incredible. They formed in 2008, but none of the founding members are still in the band. The band JINJER is made up of Tatiana Shmayluk, who is the lead vocalist, and guitarist Roman Ibramkhalilov. The band has since added bassist Eugene Abdukhanov and drummer Vlad Ulasevich. Tati is a very talented artist. If you haven’t checked out this band yet, check out Pisces, Teacher, Teacher!, and Sit Stay Roll Over first, then get into the rest of their music. They are amazing.

The Show

The band JINJER came out and started around 9 pm. So it was a late show, which is fine. That doesn’t bother me at all I’m a night owl. I really enjoy the peace of night and the moon, especially in the middle of summer. The soft breeze, the night sky, everything just adds up perfectly with late night concerts. They opened up their set with the song Perennial. Tati started dancing around, whipping her hair every which way, and head banging. You just knew this night was going to be one crazy night, and it was. I’d say if you ever get the chance to see them, take it. You won’t regret it.

After the show finally started, everyone in the building was screaming and head banging. The energy was crazy. I was also very glad that where my spot was, I was close to the stage like always, and there was no crowd surfers going towards me. There were a few I thought were going to come, but they didn’t thankfully. I’m a tiny 5 foot 3 woman who also isn’t the strongest. I can only lift so much as it is. So keeping crowd surfers up is a lot, but it turned out to be a good spot where no-one came through, and I got to enjoy the full show. That doesn’t aways happen with crowd surfing and mosh pits happening. You’ve got to be aware of everything when you are at these types of concerts. If someone is hurt, get someone’s attention or the security guards attention. Get them on the issue as soon as possible.

Also, the entire set list was to die for. Absolutely an amazing set in general. The lights and everything fit along great with the songs, and her outfits matched everything too. At one point I almost touched her hand. It was cool to even just be smiled at by her up front. As we were nearing the end of the show, she asked everyone how were doing, and thanked us all for coming. All that stuff artists tend to do. Then she left the stage before coming back to do one bonus song for everyone. It was just perfect. She performed Sit Stay Roll Over, then thanked us all again and blew kisses.


Then it was time to find my friends and head up to the merch table. Then, head for the restrooms again since I had an hour long drive back to where I was cat sitting at the time. So for merch, there was a bunch of good stuff. The merch I got was stickers, a tee-shirt, and a signed poster from the band. Then, my two friends whom I came with got their merch. Then we headed back to the car.

Final Thoughts

I lost my voice partially, and I was tired. However, every minute of the ride there, every minute of the show, and every minute of the ride home was worth it. I’d defiantly do it again if I could. That was probably one of the more amazing concerts I’ve been to recently. To End this, I’d just like to say that if this band returns to the area a hundred and one percent, I recommend jumping on a chance to see them. Don’t go through life missing out on really cool concert opportunities.

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