Metallica cover photo
Pierce The Veil at Buffalo River Works

Some History of Me

So, this band is really close to my heart. When I was younger, this band was first introduced to me by my friend who lives in Australia. I met her through a reading and writing app. We became friends on other social media apps, and haven’t stopped chatting since. This was the first band she recommended listening to when I was starting to explore different music. She was there all through the changing phase. She recommended this band, and she said, “Here listen to Pierce The Veil, King for a Day.” So that was the first song I listened to by them. Since that song, I have loved the band. Then I found similar artists and bands. Nowadays, I constantly find new bands. My headphones are glued to my neck pretty much every day. Music means a lot to me. So that’s probably why, all through middle school and high school, I always turned to music for everything. It’s probably why, to this day, I still turn to music when I need to calm my anxiety, something is going on, or I just need to focus in general. I love listening to music. Music helps with so many things.

Anyway, so when I was 14, I went through a lot, in school and out. I was then diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and a chronic illness called Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia (CPEO). To sum this up, it’s a mitochondrial disease that makes me weak and tired quicker than a normal person. I get so weak, so fast and tired quickly from standing for long periods of time. I can’t walk for long either without losing my breath, then needing to catch my breath afterwards, the list of downsides to this disease goes on and on. Anyhow, I was born with this and got diagnosed, I believe, at age twelve or age thirteen. So dealing with this defiantly sucked the life from me because I didn’t know how to cooperate with this or the fact that my eyelids droop constantly.

I was also getting bullied a lot. So I started to turn to these types of bands and loud music. The heavier, the better. The more screaming, the better I felt. I finally felt like I wasn’t alone. I had found something that made me feel at peace. Then I started to wear the big chunky rubber bracelets, and people started to bully me more. So, let me just say, I’d heard every name you could think of by the time I was sixteen. All because of the music, the way I dressed, my hair, my eyes, etc. I was also having major self-confidence issues to the point that I, at one point, isolated myself in my room for six months. I had to start going to therapy at a young age due to all the stuff I was dealing with. I didn’t know how to deal with anything. I was young, so I turned to these bands.

Back to Pierce The Veil

One day, I came across the song called Hold on Till May, by Pierce the Veil. This song will probably forever hold a special place in my heart. There’s a direct line that’ll forever hit home for me, which says, “Darling, you’ll be okay.” It isn’t anything too big or major, but it was to me when I came across this song. I needed to hear this more than anyone would ever understand. At this age, going through what I was, I needed it. So when I found this song, I think I had it on repeat for several days. I remember listening to it on the bus, on the way to school, and falling asleep with it ringing through my ears. At this point, though, they weren’t touring near me. I needed to see them live. I knew I had to see them, even if I had to wait years and years. I’d eventually see them.

Getting to the Concert

Flash forward to 2022 when they announced they were going to be touring again finally, after quite a few years of not. I was so excited, I got tickets immediately. Flash forward again to the day of the show. It was supposed to happen the weekend before Thanksgiving on the 20th, but we ended up getting a crap ton of snow. So they had to postpone the show to November 22nd, a couple of days before Thanksgiving. It was nice that they didn’t just cancel it. I was a mess for days because this band means a lot to me. I knew I was determined to get there, one way or another. A lot of my plans had to change that day. The day of the show finally came around. I didn’t really eat. I got into a big argument with my father that day, which resulted in me getting even more upset. Just about everything this day was a lot. Thankfully, everything finally got figured out, and I ate something small and got ready.

My dad’s friend and her boyfriend were giving me a ride. The boyfriend enjoys this type of music, so he hung out with me during the show. The ride there was good until we came closer to the venue. Then, it was backed up for a bit. We eventually got parked and headed in. It was freaking freezing.

Fit for a King

We got in and found spots pretty close to the stage which I loved. The show had two openers, and Pierce the Veil was one of them. Fit for A King was the other one. I have not listened to too many songs by Fit For A King. They started to play, but unfortunately I didn’t know any of the songs. I loved the energy though! So after the show was completely done, and I was at home, I defiantly checked them out. If you need a new band go check them out, they are perfect. Then it was finally time for the second opener, which was Pierce the Veil.

Pierce the Veil

Anyways, PTV came out on stage. They started off their set with May These Noises Startle You in Your Sleep Tonight, and then they continued their set list. To my surprise, they played not one, but all of my favorite songs by them, including Hold on Till May. When they announced they were playing this, I started to cry. It brought me back to being that small girl who needed someone, and they were there for me. It also brought back floods and floods of my teenage years. I just stood there crying and singing along to this song. I screamed as loudly as I could. I was an emotional wreck for a bit. Like I said, it’ll always hold a special place in my heart. They finished their set with King for A Day, which also had special memories attached to it.

I’ll forever be happy that I got to see them finally. That little girl would be so proud of me today, and I would hug her now. If I could, I’d go back and tell her don’t give up. I’m pretty sure it would’ve helped to hear that at that age. She deserved better than what she went through. Looking back though, if I didn’t go through most of the stuff I did, I wouldn’t be who I am today. The headliner for the show was I Prevail check them out if you haven’t heard of them along with PTV. All three of these bands are so good and so talented in their own ways.

I Prevail

I can’t fully remember if this was my second or third time seeing I Prevail. They are a good band. The first time I saw them, they went so hard. I saw them at The Rapids Theatre. That is my favorite venue. If you need a new band to check out, go check them out. I recommend listening to Stuck in your Head by them first before you listen to anything else by them. Start with their older stuff, then check their newer stuff out. It is all excellent. They were headlining this show. I Prevail has always been a great band. They played some older songs. Not super old, but older. They started with their song 0:00. Then it was There’s Fear In Letting Go, and then they played through the rest of their set. They left the stage briefly after the set, then they came back out and played two encore songs. One was Gasoline, and then they ended with Bow Down. These songs are all really good.

The Mosh

All three of the bands had to stop their sets to get people out of the pit because they weren’t doing so well. One person left on a stretcher. I don’t remember why, but it was scary. I am very glad that people got security’s attention or the band’s attention so they could stop and get the person out. Everyone around spread out to give the EMTs room to get to these people and get them out, so the bands could resume. It’s pretty scary to see these things, but I’m glad people did get the attention of others. The problem got fixed asap, and then we resumed with having a great night. I Prevail definitely deserves to be known more than they already are.

The Merch

Finally, it was time to go to the merch table before going home. There was a bunch of merch including tee shirts, sweatshirts, and all three bands had beanies, stickers, CDs, drum heads, flags, and one band had a draw string. All I got was a Pierce the Veil sweatshirt. It’s all I wanted due to the fact I had a bunch of merch from them already. Fun fact, my first band merch piece was a Pierce The Veil tee. I didn’t need anything from either of the other two bands either. I have seen I Prevail once before, so I was good. I wasn’t an avid listener of the other band, Fit for a King, yet. So I got my sweatshirt, my dad’s friend’s boyfriend got his merch, and then it was time to go home.

The Great Escape

As we are leaving the venue, it was packed as always. I have barely a voice left, and my ears are ringing. Regardless, it’s always worth it going to a show. I have got to invest in really good earplugs eventually. I will to wear to these shows. But for now, it is what it is. The drive back was smooth and quiet. I finally got home and ate something for real this time. I was starving, finally, and I needed food. It was all worth it to finally get to see Pierce the Veil live. It was a dream come true. If they come back to Buffalo or the area, I recommended you go check them out at least once in your life.

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