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Regional Bands At the Springville Moose Lodge

A few weeks ago, I went and saw regional bands. This was my first time ever seeing bands in my hometown. I saw four out of the five bands that were playing that night. I left before the fifth band could play, because my ride was leaving. Bands of any type don’t usually play in my hometown. So I was super happy. My favorite type of music came somewhere close to me, rather than the city.

This was a last-minute decision to actually go out for the first time since Halloween weekend. That’s been a long time of me just hibernating away from the cold, even though on this day, it was freezing. I needed to get out and do something anyhow. I needed it really badly. I don’t enjoy doing things alone all the time, but since I’ve been having to do it a lot more recently I’ve been getting used to it. Thankfully, my one friend, whom I’m in a group on Facebook with, was at this concert. I also made a few friends at this concert too. I’m still a little stand-offish and anxietal when I’m around several humans whom I do not actually know.

The show

I came at 6:00. Doors were at 5:30 pm apparently. I had to get cash to actually buy a ticket at the door. The bands were all very nice on stage, and were really good at getting the crowd riled up. It was a really good show. I didn’t think my hometown had it in them to put on a really good show locally, so I was impressed.

The First band that played was Habits have Teeth, then Thinning the Veil, Among the Outcast, then An Easy Death. I left before I could see Katspo perform, but I heard they put on a really good show. Each performance was really good, and each band knew how to really get everyone involved. They wanted everyone to jump or clap their hands along.

Habits Have Teeth

I have never heard of any of these bands at all. I did check em out the night before to see what I was getting myself into. They had good energy, and they knew how to get the crowd going. I stood off to the side during this set quite a bit. I didn’t really feel comfortable jumping in just yet.

Thinning The Veil

This was their second show ever which was pretty cool hopefully they become bigger they have a good vocalist. The singer actually said, “I should’ve taken a shot before I started.” Then about three people bought him a shot. It was awesome to see. It helps loosen up your vocals to be honest, so it helps in a way. The lead vocalist has some pretty good vocals and has some good screams too. The whole band was a very good band and incredibly kind and nice. I enjoyed their set.

Among The Outcast

By this is the band, where I was starting to get a little more comfortable. I was standing next to a friend I met from a music group on Facebook. We started talking some, then other people I’m friends with started to introduce me to several others. Slowly, I’m starting to get to know the names to the faces of these people. During this set, I was standing front and center with this friend.

The band came out and started their set. They started off with saying, “how is everyone?” and “thank you for coming out and supporting everyone.” Their set went quite a bit harder than the other two did. They definitely weren’t new to this performing thing, but that is just my point of view. This is a band I’d recommend looking into and checking out. They were coming closer to the end when they said one more time, “thank you for the support!” Then they got off the stage.

An Easy Death

This is where I met more people and more names to faces before the band came on stage. I was chilling with that guy still up front near the stage and then a bunch of people came over to us, and he started to introduce me to a bunch of other humans whom I’d never met. I can usually just go up to people, compliment them, and say stuff. Other times, I don’t know why, but I’m just stand-offish. I end up getting in my own head or worried. It just happens. I get a weird pit in my stomach, then I’m like, “Eh no let’s go.” Then, I need to find someone, I at least know their name and face, you know. 

The lead singer was very energetic in this band. This is also another great band and started out by asking everyone how they were. Then they started their set, so the lead vocalist even got down from the stage and got into the pit with some of us and also walked near us and tried to involve us all. He then got back up on stage and then finished the set list, and then he said, “thank you for coming out and supporting us. We appreciate it. Get home safe. If you’re drinking, be responsible. Have a good night.” This is also another band I’d recommend looking into. They went pretty hard, and they really wanted the audience involved.

Merch Tables

There was like three small merch tables with a few t-shirts, stickers, a beanie on one, and on another a small flag on the other. It wasn’t a crazy amount of selections, but it was enough to be good.

Final Thoughts

I know there’s not to much going on in this, but not only was it my first time seeing Regional type bands, it was the first time ever having a concert in my area. I wasn’t sure what to expect, so it was all very new to me. It was clearly a more social environment than bigger events. Phantom Entertainment put on this show, and they do these quite a bit. So I will be keeping my eye open for more shows in my home town for sure. I’ll be going back to them. I’ve got more shows coming up. I can already feel it my summer is going to be booked at this rate. ha-ha I’m very excited. This summer is going to be a big one.

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